CDPO works toward full & equal participation and a life of dignity for persons with diverse disabilities in Cambodian society through implementation of four main programs: Advocacy and Rights Monitoring; Awareness Raising and Communication; DPOs/WWDFs Development and Organisation Development.
Advocacy and Rights Monitoring
Advocacy and Rights Monitoring is a program that focuses on monitoring rights of persons with disabilities, influencingpolicy change and collectively advocating/lobbing for the full implementation of the Law on the Protection and the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities (UNCRPD).
We work as part of a proactive advocacy network to advocate with government, the private sector, partners and Civil Social Organisations (CSOs) to encourage the inclusion of persons with diverse disabilities, including women and youth, into their development plans.

Awareness Raising and Communication
The Awareness Raising and Communication program is CDPO’s link to the general public. It focuses on building the profile of the organisation and increasing disability awareness through events/campaigns management, communication materials/toolkits, media broadcasting
and training providing on disability rights.
We work to support the organisation’s mission and projects/programs by increasing the accessibility of disability information and raising awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities among stakeholders, including diverse disability groups, women and minority ethnic groups with disabilities, and the general public.

DPOs Development
Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs)/Women with Disabilities Forums (WWDFs) work at the commune, district and provincial levels to advocate for persons with disabilities, raise awareness of disability issues and rights in communities, set up and support self-help groups and help to develop the capacity of persons with disabilities to claim their rights.
We work to develop capacity of our DPOs/WWDFs members to expand the membership base and to lead and represent diverse disability groups to claim their rights and live a dignified life.

Organisational Development
CDPO is now the largest national non-governmental organization implementing disability programs in Cambodia with effectiveness and sustainability.
The program focuses on strengthening the organization as a transparent and accountable organization with strong governance and professional staff conducting good practice.